for Schools
Strategic Reading:
1. the combination of the right processes and design for a successful reading program.
2. no child left behind.
Dramatic and successful intervention needs to be added to traditional methodology. All students need to become independent in reading and spelling at their grade level. This enables them to succeed in gaining the academic knowledge necessary to have positive learning experiences, and it gives them the tools to be successful in life.

Individual success of students and the gains in abilities of students that have had the opportunity to be involved with Strategic Reading show that these processes remediate deficits and accelerate reading/spelling development as well as providing tools for thinking and reasoning. Strategic Reading is a daily group and one on one program. It is available locally through Laura Swafford and is designed to meet the individual needs of each school.
Strategic Reading can be as simple as using Strategic Education, LLC as an outside provider to work with individual students and small groups, or it can involve training your existing staff and support for the integration and implementation of these techniques into the classroom.
Each program is designed by Strategic Education, LLC to meet the needs of the specific schools. While focusing primarily on the students with the most challenging reading problems, it also enhances the reading skills of all students involved.
- Genesis is a 6th, 7th, and 8th grade charter school in downtown Kansas City. Out of 150 students all but 6 students measure below grade level in reading. The program for this school involves training of the teachers to implement support techniques in the classroom as well as bringing in 7-8 trained clinicians to work individually each day with students. Phonemic awareness is developed and most students are averaging 3.25 years gain in decoding skills during the nine month school year.
- Bosworth Elementary is a small school in northwest Missouri. The overall reading scores at all grade levels were very low. All teachers K-6 were trained in the Strategic Reading phonemic development processes and use it in their classrooms to teach reading at the primary grade levels and to refine reading at the upper grade levels.
- The Wichita School District implemented this technique in an after school program developed for students with the most severe reading programs and those with English as a second language. While time and consistency of attendance were not at the most desirable level, the children made significant gains.
- In Marion, Kansas the primary and special teachers have received the training in order to provide and/or strengthen the necessary phonemic base for the new and/or struggling readers. This training was provided after a few of the staff had begun to see results using parts of the Strategic Reading program.
A key element in the success of the program is a commitment of the school professionals and the administration to the daily phonemic development of the child. This has been made much easier by Strategic Education, LLC because of daily lesson plans that are available to those involved in Strategic Reading.
Discussion of the Strategic Reading Project
Working Individually With Students
At one middle school Strategic Reading Project worked individually with 42 of their lowest students during the 2002-2003 year. The students received services ranging from 100 to 10 or 15 sessions. The difference in sessions varied due to need and due to attendance.